Importance of International Yoga Day 2022
In December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared the commencement of the celebration of Yoga to commemorate its health benefits. Thus, every year 21st June is celebrated as the International Day of Yoga. The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June 2015 and this year, we will be celebrating the 8th Yoda Day.
History of International Yoga Day 2022
Popular yoga guru Shri Shri Ravi Shankar conveyed the idea of a worldwide celebration of yoga on a particular day to PM Mr. Narendra Modi. Our PM then presented the idea to the UN committee along with how the day would be ideal to propagate the health benefits of yoga to the whole world.
Almost 175 nations in the UN committee including the USA, Canada, China, etc voted for the motion. The International Yoga Day resolution had the highest number of promoters. Thus, in 2014, the United Nations took the decision in favor of promoters, and 21st June was declared as the International Day of Yoga. The Ministry of AYUSH conducts this day and organizes a variety of activities to celebrate this day.
Yoga Day, also popular as- World- Yoga Day or International Yoga day is commemorated worldwide almost in all the countries through practicing yoga, meditation, concentration, debates, meetings, discourses, discussions and seminars. Every 21st June is a fixed day to acknowledge World’s most significant and big event, stated as– International Yoga Day or World Yoga Day amongst citizens.
Thousands around the globe, this notable Yoga day exhibits various diversities of cultural and spiritual programs which are widely celebrated by the people and through the people. World Yoga Day is witnessed among zillions of peeps who come together to formalize yoga with much gusto and zest. Various other spiritual & meditation organisations operate and manage a different level of Yoga- performances on the occasion of International Yoga Day. These spiritual Yoga- centres work on customary set of procedures and conventions and arrange systematically their operations in numerous places including- offices, MNCs, prison-cells, temples, corporate, as well as schools & colleges.

Some Fascinating Facts about Yoga:
-The Art of Living also solemnizes special events by organising distinct Yoga sessions and Yoga classes to explain the origin of Yoga and its benefits.
-United Nations (UN) General Assembly announced publically 21st of June as a World’s Yoga Day (International Yoga Day) on 11th of December in 2014.
-Officially, the name given to this day is International Day of Yoga and is now popular with so many names such as- is Yoga Day, World Yoga Day, International Yoga Day, UN International Yoga Day.
-Being the most- trendy and modern occurrence, it was introduced 5,000 years back for following physical and spiritual practices indeed.
-History says, it is observed on summer solstice– 21st June, (considering its specific importance and effects) and is thus celebrated in different parts of the world.
-As per the research, Ministry of AYUSH, i.e. Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, Govt. of India is going to perform peculiar functions and events inside their organization on World Yoga day.
Importance of International Yoga Day 2022
Yoga has been practiced in India since the 5th century. However, western countries have recently started practicing it. During the pandemic, yoga became an antidote for those suffering from viral diseases. It not only helps one in releasing and managing stress but also helps them have a stronger immune system and flexible body. Yoga keeps the mind and body balance intact.
Since there are countless benefits of practicing yoga, the International Day of Yoga is mainly celebrated to create awareness about the same. On International Yoga Day, people across the nation gather in groups to practice Yoga and celebrate the day in common grounds, community halls, schools, colleges, offices, and yoga centers. Our PM Mr. Narendr Modi will lead the main event of the International Day of Yoga at Mysore, Karnataka.